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February 2016 - Preparing the Soil

With the first New York snow storm behind us, it is officially winter. The ground was frozen and covered in several feet of ice cold frozen water. I shoveled lots of it. Then yesterday, it rained and was nearly 50 degrees for the whole day. The freeze was lifted and washed away. With it January came to its completion for the year.

Now, it is THE February that happens only ONCE every FOUR YEARS! It's LEAP YEAR! YAY!

For many, February is the time to highlight and celebrate Black History, or the history of the African Diaspora in America. We're excited to do that as well, by sharing some of our favorite links about interesting African-Americans that have made significant contributions to our present! (Links at the bottom of this post!)

This February we ALSO want to make several LEAPS foward (since it IS LEAP YEAR!)! Here are a couple of our LEAPING goals that will help us prepare the soil for our current & future works:

1. Reach 100 (or more) financial supporters of Classics in Color: An INclusive Theatre Company. We currently have 88 supporters, so only 12 more will help us reach that goal. Any and all support is appreciated! Click here to help us reach 100: Classics in Color: A Fractured Atlas Sponsored Project

3. Reach 1000 "Likes" on our Facebook page: We're at 494, so just 506 "Likes" away!

2. Reach the "Raised $10,000" mark! Over the last two years, thanks to at least 88 of you, we raised $7,956! That's AMAZING! Raising $10,000 on our own, independent of grants, lets grant panelists and other large potential donors know that we have built a sizable community of support on our own; it is an encouraging factor in their decision to support us on a larger scale. We're only $2044 away! Help us complete this important step HERE: Classics in Color: A Fractured Atlas Sponsored Project*

Here are some more updates on CiC's happenings and company members:

Classics Out LOUD! January 2016

Our first ever Classics Out LOUD! was a wonderful coming together of so many talented and interested people to read and listen to "The Shrike" by Joseph Kramm, guided by director Avery Glymph. We shared the play, our thoughts, and some snacks. It was a great beginning to the series!

Classics Out LOUD! will be on hold for February, online in March, and in Los Angeles in April because, I have booked a wonderful acting opportunity with The Pittsburgh Public Theatre. I'll be playing Jory in the play "Disgraced" by Ayad Akhtar. So, I'll be in Pittsburgh until the middle of April. The plan is to have a short visit to LA and have a Classics Out LOUD! with our LA company members and friends shortly thereafter. We will keep our Events page (!events/usl1t) and our Calendar (!calendar/c37v) up to date.

Company Member Jefferson A. Russell is in Suzan-Lori Parks' "Father Come Home from the Wars, Parts 1, 2, & 3" directed by Timothy Douglas at Round House Theatre in Bethesda, MD until February 28th! Catch it if you can.

Company Member Avery Glymph is in the new play "Residence" by Laura Jacqmin at this year's Humana Festival of New American Plays at the Actors Theatre of Louisville, KY. If you're nearby, don't miss these new works!

Here are some Black History Links (of course, the list could go on & on. Have a favorite? Share it with us!):

As always, thank you for your continued support and encouragement! Classics in Color: An INclusive Theatre Company would not exist without YOU! #InclusionMatters

With love,

Nafeesa on behalf of the entire company of Classics in Color: An INclusive Theatre Company

*If you prefer to make a donation by check, please make the check out to "Fractured Atlas" and write "Classics in Color" in the memo line. Then mail to:

Classics in Color P.O. Box 36-20413

New York, NY 10129

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